About This Game Defend Your Life! Is tower defense set in human body where players are fighting against villain hordes of viruses and bacteria. Levels and units correspond to reality of human anatomy.Show your tactical and strategy thinking in epic battlefields situated in appendix, pancreas, heart, brain and many others vital organs. Customize build order of towers and use wisely upgrades and mighty spells. Use electric shock, bombard the enemies or support your towers by adrenalin injection. Summon mighty Golem and stop enemies like Flu, Cold, kidney stones or cancer. Everything in outstanding graphics.Key Features:Enjoy 17 epic battles in real human organs with interactive Fight against 20+ different enemies based on 2 monumental boss fights where you will face the Stonekid and CancerCommand Platelet soldiers and support them in fightsHero Room with specialists ready to fight under your commandBuild and upgrade 3 attacking towers with rich tech tree and don´t forget to support them with tower increasing range, attack rate or damageUse and upgrade in-game bonuses with strong effect during fight – explosive bombs, electric shocks or adrenaline increasing attack rate of your towersEnjoy the game on easy mode or accept the challenges of medium or hard difficultiesRead the in-game encyclopedia in order to take advantage of the knowledge about enemies and buildingsUse headphones for engaging audio experience included original music and sound design.Enjoy the awesome hand painted levels and catchy cartoon animationsAddictive gameplay that will hook you in the human body for hours and hours!Contact & SupportFor all news, strategy guide or full wiki of Defend Your Life! visit http://defendyourlife.aldagames.com/.If you would like to learn more about our studio Follow us @AldaGames, like on Facebook or visit our website at: http://www.aldagames.com/. 1075eedd30 Title: Defend Your Life: TDGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Alda GamesPublisher:Alda GamesRelease Date: 10 Apr, 2015 Defend Your Life: TD Full Crack [portable Edition] Defend your life is a tower defense game which was inspired by Kingdom Rush.Pros- Unique setting. It\u2019s not just a usual fantasy setting which is typical for TD games. You defend the human body from different viruses and bacteria. There aren\u2019t many games in this setting, and this game is definitely the first one of this kind in TD genre.- Although the game is a clone of Kingdom Rush, it has some new features. Magic tower has been replaced with a support tower. Each base tower can be upgraded into 2 different ones on level 1. Total number of towers is slightly higher than in KR. There are 3 skills instead of two.- Game is simple to play- There are game speed settingshttp:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=888434517Cons- Although I found "Human Body" setting interesting, can anyone explain me what does Rocket Launcher do in my stomach? Why do bacteria wear iron helmets? I would advise to use antibiotics and vitamins instead of cannon towers. It would perfectly fit. The game looks like a lazily-done concept. My final impression about this story and setting is totally negative.- This game was designed as free-to-play game for mobiles. There are consumable items which highly improve your defenses. Devs from KR cut these things when they ported the game to PC. But Alda Games decided to not waste their time and forced players to start the previous levels again and again to get "gems".- Waves of each mission are short and always the same. It's pretty interesting to watch them during the first 2-3 missions. When you find out that the next levels have almost the same types of waves, you get bored.The game is not bad. I think newcomers to TD genre would find "Defend your life" attractive. For these people I say wait for 60% discount and try it.But I can't recommend this game for people like me who like to play innovative and interesting games enjoying every minute of the game.. What a bargin! I got this game for 1 EUR and it is a really nice TD.I'm not crazy with the health concept that provides the 'story' for this game, but from a gameplay perspective it is really good. There is nothing new, but it is solid TD with loads of towers, many different type enemies, and a nice set of levels. You replay each level for new challenges - don't let the titles Easy, Middle, Hard fool you - each is a new 'campaign'. You have a hero, and can buy different types. Their skill increases as you play.In general, this game is a casual Kingdom Rush lite. It has really good tutorials and there are videos for each level if you fail, which makes this game an execellent 'TD starter' casual game for people who wants to try TD. And it is a casual TD - there are no advanced concepts, developments, or a multitude of levels - but it is casual fun and incredible good value for the money.. Wow 80% off right at release. For $1 dollar you cannot got wrong here. I would have easily paid 5-10 dollars for this game. There is nothing new introduced here, and with the exception of the theme, it resembles Kingdom Rush. It is very solid gameplay that sticks to the basics. Very well polished and converted from tablet (I assume) to PC very nicely. Definitley give this game a try! 9\/10. Defend your life - Your everyday tower defense game.First of all, I would like to say that I am recommending this game mostly for the casual gamers or for younger players. If you are a gamer that only goes for AAA games, this is not for you (though I guess that goes without saying).So, in general, here are the pro's:+ quick \/ easy \/ fun to play (mildly adictive)+ nice gradual difficulty progression+ very fluid+ excelent for a first tower defense or for younger audiances+ you can beat the hell out of Cancer+ Easy to get the full set of achievements+ Good value for money.The cons:- Doesnt seem to fit the screen. I keep on getting the impression that I dont see what is going on the edges of the map- Game tends to become very slow during the final waves of the last level.- While playin in window mode, you will have to minimize windows bar- Sometimes the UI blocks you from seeing enemies or selecting them- ...cant recall of anything else that could be bad about it.I started playing Defend your life while I was spending Christmas holidays with the family, as a gap filler in the slower hours, and I couldnt be more pleased.It is a very simple and very basic tower defense game, based on defending your body against all sorts of virus and problems - which will be your enemies.In the begining, the game seems to have a childish look to it, and more adult people will probably relate it to the 80's cartoons "Once upon a time... life". The first couple of levels seem to be extremely easy and you feel that the game will get boring very soon. However, the difficulty level escalates in an interesting progression, and most levels seem to introduce something new. It gives you some time to learn in depth about all the enemies and defenses that you have available without "setting out the wolves" on you from a moment to another. Also, you cannot just jump to the hardest difficulties, as you will have to play "easy" to unblock "medium" and them "medium" to unblock "hard". This has some sense to it, has you will need to get money to evolve your bodies defenses, in order to make it into the harder difficulties. Otherwise, it would just be impossible.You will also have the opportunity to play with heros that will help you defend your body. These characters are upgradable in power, speed and health, and they will be fundamental for you to beat the game in the later stages.For the achievement hunters, it is also a great game to have. You can actually tick most of the achievements on your regular game play. No need to go into laborious tasks that in the end are boring and sound like a lot of work.All in all, it is a quick \/ easy to play game, that brings you a great value for money. I would recommend it!!!(Another negative - in window mode, it is so easy to forget to close the game and leave the room. I think I got 52h of gameplay in a week and that got me into trouble with my partner, has she thought that I spent the whole week playing games!!!). For such a cheap price at release i.e. 80% off the usual \u00a33.99, I had more fun playing this Tower Defense (TD) game than I've had playing a lot of games I've paid 20 times as much for. Defend Your Life is a typical TD game with the usual tower purchases, for example upgradeable cannons and tesla towers, as well as other towers that slow units down or toss grenades, plus there are special towers such as those that give you extra oxygen. Oxygen is the currency in game which allows you to purchase more towers and upgrades, plus at the end of each level you are awarded tablets and diamonds, both of which can be spent either on upgrading your tower defenses or on special upgrades that can only be used once to top up other defenses that usually take time to recover such as the electric shock , bomb or adrenaline. The theme of this TD game is biological, with a human body being attacked by viruses. Each level gradually takes you further into the body. You can set the speed up to four times the normal speed and\/or select from three different difficulties. Even at full price I think Defend Your Life is a bargain. I reckon most TD fans will enjoy this game and it's also an excellent introduction for those new to the genre. The easy mode is relatively easy to beat. I played through several levels with no losses. The harder levels give less currency to buy the various upgrades and the speed of the viruses are increased, plus you get less oxygen currency to start with.With 22 different enenies, all with different strengths and weaknesses, for example the flu virus divides into two weaker flu viruses when it is killed and the Nicotinic unit disappears when first hit and is immune from attack while invisible, at least from the tower defenses. You can still damage these with bombs and electric shocks.There's a tips and tricks section as well as an encyclopedia that gives you information about each building, for example the Tesla tower does more damage for each shot than any other tower, but takes a longer time to recharge. There are some nice little touches like the defensive towers that when activated create little beings that don't do actual damage, but block the path of incoming viruses. When damaged they recover fairly quickly. If destroyed new ones will replace them before the next wave. You can start the next wave early by clicking on the warning symbol that pops up near the place where the viruses first appear. The quicker you do this, the more oxygen is added to your total, giving you more currency to buy or upgrade towers.The 20 achievements for this game are relatively easy to attain, so long as you can survive the waves of viruses. You can see a video of game play HERE. I highly recommend this game. Fun little mobile tower-defense game. I can forgive the fact that their port to desktop completely ignores the additional input methods for the desktop (keys, right mouse button), because I bought this for 99 cents.The graphics are cute, and the music is light and plucky.Variations on the standard theme: you have a few tower types, plus barracks that provide troops who battle on the path, and heroes whom you can buy and level up. Heroes also fight on the path. Enemies engaged by the troops or heroes are slowed while fighting.. Clunky awkward interface. Cheap knockoff of Kingdom rush.. The game is very good but only problem is that it starts lagging even on good pc.. I'm a big tower defense fan and I think have played most of them (including a majority of the wc3 TD's), and I'm also a sucker for hunting achievments to 100%. (Just for you to know how much your views aligns with mine). Steam says I spent 70 hours on this, but I think half of that is probably closer to the truth."Defend Your Life" is a "kingdom rush" clone (which I believe set the precendent with "guardhouse"-towers spawning blocker-units). The artstyle is consistent and good enough for any TD as far as I'm conserned. It has a fairly original theme and sticks to it.The gameplay has a few ideas you seldom see in TDs: Like two monster-types that combine into a stronger if you fail in preventing them from meeting up. Or the map with a destroyable bridge to change monsters' path. Or the oxygen-fans (income) that are boostable by your other towers. Nice but not exactly revolutionary - nothing game changing.The amount of towers in your arsenal is sparse at best.The progression feels very standard but there has clearly been an effort to make a few maps specificly target certain talents. It's a good thought - talents should be situational in TD's to make the strategic choices interesting. BUT it fails short because the talents are too dull and the choices are too stupid: "On this map you can only use power ups" or "On this map you'll only see one monster type the first 20 waves and then it changes" (Yeah, there is actually a pop-up message telling you just that as the map begins). The biggest issue this game has is the hero-control. It's clearly made for phones\/tablets. It feels like it has been copied from similar games. Actually I'm sure it has been copied. It's WAY too familiar and I wouldn't be surprised if I learned the control scheme is coming directly from the unity asset store, perhaps some TD kit? The problems with moving your hero (or not moving your hero) depending on if you click on pathable or non-pathable ground. The notion that deselecting your hero after moving him once. The way your hero approaches monsters, ignoring any and all pathing while the monster stops to wait. It's all way too familiar, and it's not good!On later levels a big chunk of the gameplay depend on you targeting specific monsters, and the controls being so inprecise can be infuriating.There are however decent keyboard shortcuts in this game which I applaud the devs for! (In worse TD's It's the face palm moment when a mobile port TD hasn't even bothered to include keyboard shortcuts)I also really appreciate the difficulty of the last (say 5 or so) levels in the game.You can't avoid any of the achievments as go through the game, which makes them bland and superfluous. (I got the last achievment "Level up your hero to level 50" at level 48, How now that is possible?)So to sum things up: A somewhat generic TD with a fresh layer of paint on top. Poor controls. But it's still better than your average TD and gives you a decent spin for your money. I'd say give it a go if you don't hate TD's and the price is around $5 or less.
Defend Your Life: TD Full Crack [portable Edition]