About This Game DIVE INTO THE WORLD OF OLD SCHOOL SHOOTERS! HARDCORE CORRIDOR SHOOTER ONE DAY FOR CHED BRINGS YOU A GAMING EXPERIENCE LIKE NO OTHER! Fight the monsters, shoot 'em up with your skills and powerful guns. Complete the whole story and find out the secrets of Ched's mind. ONE DAY for Ched makes you feel like you're back in the glory days of gaming, and brings you the ultimate in hardcore gameplay, interesting story and quest elements. Use your gaming skills to complete the levels and kill all enemies. Victory will can be yours, but you will have to fight hard. ONE DAY for Ched will never forgive your mistakes! Features: UNSTOPPABLE HARDCORE GAMEPLAY Fight like you've never fought before! Run like you've never done it in the past! Shoot like it's the last shot in your life! With the game's mechanics, you need to try your best to beat the monsters. Player skills mean everything in the world of ONE DAY for Ched. No saves, no health recovering, no margin for error! BEAUTIFUL GAME STYLE Dive into the story with the original art style of ONE DAY for Ched! Feel the comic atmosphere of the game! HIGH GRAPHICS LEVEL WITH LOW SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ONE DAY for Ched brings you beautiful graphics that can be run even on the weak PC! Rich level design is the game's calling card, and a powerful effects system makes the action even more epic! MANY KINDS OF MONSTERS, BOSSES, WEAPONS AND MAPS! Each level has four new classes of monsters (featuring a boss in each level), which can be killed with six kinds of weapons! Every weapon has it's own characteristics and firing type. You can use primary or alternative fire to kill your enemies. Each enemy has it's own strategy, strengths and weaknesses! QUEST ELEMENTS AND INTERESTING STORY The storyline of the game is Ched's adventure - a man that wants to free himself of his demons. The Battle is in Ched's head and only you can help him survive! 7aa9394dea Title: One Day For ChedGenre: IndieDeveloper:BS1 & BSL TeamPublisher:Strategy FirstRelease Date: 12 Sep, 2014 One Day For Ched Free Download [Xforce Keygen] one day for ched game. one day for ched download. one day for ched steam. one day for ched. one day of ched. game grumps one day for ched just to unforgiving! more unforgiving that dark souls or doom on the hardest dificulty! and the story is crap!. Did you look at the whipped-up-in-Photoshop-in-under-ten-minutes promo image for this game and think, "Hey, that looks pretty good"? Then you're a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing idiot. Did you then proceed to the Store page and look at the screenshots and say, "Hey, that actually DOES look pretty good"? Then you're slightly less of an idiot, but still an idiot. Never mind the sub-Borderlands graphics. This game is ultimately the ANTITHESIS of Borderlands...which is to say, while Borderlands is a mind-numbingly easy frag-fest with endless respawns, this is Instakill Central. You don't even know what hit you half the time, and to add insult to injury, you then go all the way back to the beginning of the level, and have to watch the same brief opening cut-scene ("I'm drunk, I'm very very drunk") again and again and again and again. In all fairness, your character does move like he's drunk - merely hitting the A or D key can sometimes send you sliding all over the shop - but the devs themselves unfortunately turned their back on mere alcohol and went straight for the hard stuff. Only a development team on a cocktail of crack, speed and LSD could possibly think this "game" is remotely playable, much less completable. If this was porn, it wouldn't just be "hardcore": it'd be SNUFF. And just like snuff, selling\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665like this to the general public should probably be illegal. I bought it on sale for seventy-nine cents USD. Should you desire a similarly unpleasant experience for a comparable price, I advise you to save yourself the hassle of a purchase, and merely insert the coins into your \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 ONE PENNY AT A TIME. Your\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665will hate you for it, but your mind will never know how lucky it was to be spared the existential trauma of playing even one minute of One Day for Ched. The horror. THE HORROR! Verdict: 1\/10 (for Ched - and that's as generous as I'm getting).. Nope. it's a load of nope. so much nope I couldn't hold it all thus this review.. The first thing i did before launch was look at the setup, 3 monitor resolutions, no option for V sync, no graphics options. so that was worrying. Launching the game shows this mess of a menu that looks like a child messing with image settings in photoshop its just a visual culsterf*ckThe game presents its story as images and text, the images have some strange filter on them, it looks very odd. ched is drunk and he wants to kill someone who is dead or something. its a little nonsensical. the first bit of ingame introduces you to cheds "voice actor" i use this term loosely i assume its one of the developers. Ched sounds like a less interested tommy Wiseau and the quality of the recordings is horrible. I swear one clip sounds like you can hear the mouse being clicked to end the recording. the game play is an fps, i guess it wants to be like a shooter of old with health packs fast movement and giving you lots of guns at the start (they are just thrown on the floor and one says new bonus???) the problem is you die in like 2 hits so instead of getting close, you need to stay back and just fire, its very dull. getting hit if you dont die in one hit has little to no feedback or way of you knowing. the guns have no recoil or any kind of feel to them. the random muddy mess of strange creatures that spawn in have no real outstanding features. murky and brown. also form a distance it is hard to tell what is alive or dead as bodys kind fail around and clip into the floor. the crosshair flashes red whenever you shoot not when you hit things which is odd too. Anyhow i got to the first boss which just shoots you instantly. you are meant to wait out a certain time, which would just require you to fall back and wait.cant really see any reason to carry on ive seen enough already.This should not be sold for money and how it got on steam at all AS a full price game not even early access is amazing. I hear it its free on desura also which really shows how \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 this being sold for a price really is. horrible. Quick review: Spent $1.49 to spend 10 minutes figuring out how to pick up weapons, and another 20 getting blown away from a shotgun in the first horde spawn. I grew up on the days of 486 computers and classics like Doom and Quake, so when I say "\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 this unplayable one-hit-death difficulty level!" I mean "\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 THIS UNPLAYABLE ONE-HIT-KILL DIFFICULTY LEVEL!"Made it to the second room twice, no check point system (not always a bad thing but in a game like this it's damn near necessary), annoying voice acting, and damage ratios that are in no way balanced. At this point, only worth it if you enjoy throwing your controller at the screen or get off on committing acts of violence against machinery.. I think creator of this game when create it was drunk, very very drunk.... 15 minutes played. 15 minutes too long. This game looks like it took less than that to make. And whoever did the voice-acting should definitely not quit their dayjob. If I had to rate this on a scale of 1-10, I'd rip out my tongue and staple it to the wall.. One Day For Chedcons:too few maps. only 5 very small room sized maps.boring\/repetetive gameplay.poor gameplay design. enemies have high health and can one shot kill you.sucks.. This game is drunk. Very very drunk.Bleh. It's not asset flip but still drunken wrench. I think that it's like a mod for one of Unreal Tournaments, judging by how I can double jump, dash and enemies shoot those explosive balls. The Ukrainian devs wrote in the readme their vision of old games. No, they don't like old games due to open levels or having lots of weapons to choose from. For them it was about getting stuck in a level for days. And it shows.The game is extremely difficult. Not in a sense of what kind of skills it challenges you. No, after all the game has no shame in simply locking you into corridor with invinsible walls despite having all the room space or spawning enemies right in front of your face, nor does it shy away from hitscan enemies, the boon of oldschool shooters. No, it just means damage numbers. Go get pwned by hitscan from faraway or something. While everything gets knocked around.That, and game is extremely short.I mean, look at trailers, dev just plays them in god mode.I also find it hiralious at how enemies corpses seem to be like a frozen state of their last animation frame before you killed them, still bouncing around after getting shot.But eh. Not Unity Asset grab yet such a shovelware.
One Day For Ched Free Download [Xforce Keygen]